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March 8, 2025



Sabbath School: 10:00 am

Divine Worship: 11:00 am



Ruth Abbott

Lesson Study:

"Rules of Engagement"

Song Service:

   Chorister -  OAA Students

  Pianist - Debbie Golden

2010 - present

2010 - present









Prelude:                                                                                                                            Debbie Golden


Invocation:                                                                                                          Ms. Nadine Mars Moise


Opening Hymn:                                      To God Be The Glory                                                    No. 341


Scripture Reading:                                        Psalms 78:1-2                                                   Ron Juste           

Special Music:                                                                                                                   OAA Students


Worship in Giving:                       World Budget Adventist World Radio                               Tyler Nelson


*Congregational Prayer:                                                                                        Prof. Robson Marinho


Children’s Story:                                                                                                            Christina Hawley


OAA Slide Presentation:                                                                                       Prof. Robson Marinho


Special Music:                                                                                                                   OAA Students


Morning Message:                                “Know Hime, Share Him”                      Ms. Nadine Mars Moise


Closing Hymn:                                            Give Me The Bible                                                   No. 212


Benediction:                                                                                                       Ms. Nadine Mars Moise


Postlude:                                                                                                                          Debbie Golden



  *Congregation please kneel     


     Pianist – Debbie Golden               Chorister – OAA Students           Organist –

Second Reading:

  1. Steve and Regina Johnson from Lake City, FL to Ocala Seventh-day Adventist Church


Care Portal: Your donations of $5, $10, and $20 to the Care Portal help children and families in our community with essential needs that allow them to stay together. Thank you for caring and giving.


Tuition Assistance: We have many students who are in need and would appreciate financial aid to keep attending OAA. Please donate to this worthy cause. Mark your envelopes “Tuition Assistance” OAA.


WRGE Radio 97.9 FM: Are you doing your part to spread the gospel to Ocala? A great way to do that is to read a short Bible segment on WRGE. Many of your fellow church members have done this but we would like to have a greater variety of voices. Don’t be shy…. mistakes are edited out and the gospel is preached! We have had German accents, Portuguese accents, Spanish accents, children’s voices, old voices, soprano voices, deep voices, enthusiastic voices, restrained voices….and what might be missing is YOUR voice! Call Jeff Borger at 352-502-1746 to schedule your recording time.   If you can’t listen to the station over the air, remember you can listen on your phone or computer by going to www., click “on the air”, enter code 1844 and enjoy our beautiful music and Adventist preaching. Thank you.


Ocala Adventist Academy (OAA): OAA is growing! We need several items for our school, including tuition support. Please see Michele Bissell for more information.


Membership Transfers: Forms are available at the Welcome Desk for those who want to transfer their membership. Please give them to Connie Copeland or Marilyn Chung once you have completed them.


Online Giving: Online giving is available at the website or for those who wish to donate electronically.


Bulletin Information: Please remember, any announcements or information needed for the bulletin is to be submitted by 7:00 pm on Wednesdays. You can hand the information to Miriam Sebastian or you can find her email and phone number on the back of the bulletin. Thank you!

Higgins Family: Vince Higgins family requests that in lieu of flowers, please make donations to Ocala Adventist Academy.   

Daylight Savings Time: Daylight Savings starts tomorrow, March 9th.  Don’t forget to forward your clocks by one hour.

Worship Service: Saturdays 11:00am

415 NE 41st Ave. Ocala, FL 34470

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